Have you experienced issues with charging locations, whether blocked by an Internal Combustion Engine, ICE, plug blocked by misuse by an EV? Not sure who to report it to, or even how?
If so, then you are not alone, the team behind Charge Saint recognise this as a problem that can affect many EV drivers. Their solution has just been launched to help tackle this issue, allowing all users to quickly and easily report charging bay blocking incidents directly to the owner of the charge point, giving them all the information they need to enable them to take action to address the problem.
Charge Saint is currently running a Department for Transport-backed project in partnership with several charging networks and councils, helping build the picture of how, when, where and how often charging bay misuse occurs. As well as bringing charging bay misuse - and the vehicles that are misusing the charging bays - to the attention of the charge point’s owner, information from Charge Saint’s reports will help to improve site designs, locations and signage to deter future misuse.
Charge Saint is available to download now in the Apple App Store and Google Play
Feel free to offer feedback via the teams’ email.
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